Cate DeRosia

Cate DeRosia

In 2015, Cate stepped into the WordPress community to investigate if it was possible to find work outside of development or design. She discovered that as WordPress usage increases and businesses grow, many jobs are opening up for people with soft business skills and/or a talent for content.

After test driving some of these options, she currently works editing and writing content and using her soft business skills to run operations at Pressware.

Beyond answering her questions and finding employment, she’s had the opportunity to meet some amazing people. Her commitment to community building has lead to being a co-organizer of the local meetup, regular WordCamp speaker, and the previous organizer for the 2018 and 2019 Grand Rapids (MI) WordCamps.

She has dedicated the last 20 years to family development and enjoys sports, exploring new places, and making pretty things, often with yarn. When she writes, you’ll find it at


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