Freelancer Finances 101

Calling all freelancers! Whether you focus on design, development, content creation or marketing, there’s more to freelancing than just being good at your trade. In order to be able to service your clients, you have to keep YOUR business running and that means getting those finances in order. We’ll talk about the basics (fixed vs. hourly, time tracking, invoicing and profit to name a few) as well as more advanced topics (like IRAs and planning beyond this month). There will be spreadsheets.

Looking Good: A deep dive into brand identity

What makes a great logo? What’s the difference between a tagline and a slogan? What makes a great company name? What’s the difference between “brand” and “identity?”  So many questions … all to be answered in this power-packed presentation by Kevin Skarritt, Chief Peep of Flock Marketing.

Truly great brands get these things right and know how and why they are so critical to biz and marketing success.  Too little time and energy is spent by most small and medium-sized businesses on these foundational topics.  If you’re feeling like your brand is a little lackluster or if you find yourself struggling with effective marketing, it may be directly linked to your brand’s identity. 

Although there are a lot of moving parts, wrangling them and making sense of them is straight forward – if presented properly.  **In one session, you’ll be introduced to the key concepts that go into every great brand** … but, it’s not just the parts, it’s also how they interact with each other and which ones are the most important.  Join Kevin Skarritt in this eye opening review of everything you’ll need to know about brand identity.  

### Here are some of the presentation take-aways:

* What are the differences between: “Brand”, “Branding”, “Brand Identity”, and “Identity?”

* What are the *5 attributes of a rockstar logo?*

* What is the concept of “velocity” and how does it lead to a *great tagline?*

* How is a *tagline different from a slogan*, and why should you care?

* Should I create a brand style guide? (or, more importantly) *What’s a brand style guide?*

Running Your First A/B Test with Google Optimize

There are countless examples of how simple changes have made a dramatic improvement in website performance. Website owners have found that changing the wording on their “add to cart” buttons can increase sales by 30% or even more. Simply changing the imagery or messaging in your hero area has increased online leads by over 100%. 

You’ll never “guess” your way into a high performing website, you need to run tests and see what performs better. This may sound hard, but it’s really not. In this talk I’ll show you how to start your first and second A/B test. An A/B test is where you test two different variations of the same page. 

While this may sound complicated it can be done in minutes and without any custom programming through a free tool called Google Optimize.